Fused faith

“Now, little children, abide in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not shrink away from HIm in shame at His coming.” 1 John 2:28

According to some commentaries John was addressing the Gnostics here and was rebuking their teaching. Basically John was doing some full on apologetics here. But what also is interesting and what you see here is how much John incurs that your faith must be totally fused with your life. In order for that to happen you must be in the mindset that everything is spiritual. But also John so far specifies on how much of your fellowship with God is linked to your obedience to Him. That is where the rubber meets the road. Faith and life must be tied together.

Now the concept of this is not difficult to understand, it is the action. John here shows me that it is very important to have your faith and your deeds to be one in the same. Christ was a living example of what our lives should be shaped like. Now granted, we can never attain perfection, but at the same time God isn’t asking for that. He is asking for our hearts to be in love with him and that our actions be a testament to our love for Him. Now I like to do certain things that I know does not garner the approval of God. I have things that need improvement on. So for me isn’t so much what can I do, but how much do I love God that I am willing to change my ways as a love response to Him. “Love never fails,” writes Paul. God never fails. Can I change certain things because of His love for me? That is what is necessary to have a faith that is abiding in Him.

Lord help me to have a fused faith. To have a faith that is one in the same with what You want for my life. You know I am not perfect. But thank you for Your grace.


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