
Showing posts from March, 2011

But for You

“But for you, O Lord, do I wait; it is you, O Lord my God, who will answer.” -Psalm 38:15 David must have been in pretty tough situation to be uttering these words of pain. The first half of this Psalm he cries out to God of his suffering. He gives God a brutally honest account of his feelings and what he is experiencing at that moment. Then he makes this beautiful transition, “But for you....” Though he is suffering and though he is going through anguish, David then expresses his trust in the Lord. He calls out to God and awaits His answer. God does answer. But for me do I take the position of David here where I will wait on Him, or do I take matters in my own hands and try to change the situation without waiting for God. There is this thing about God and waiting. He loves to just answer after we wait. But like most of us here in the modern age, I hate waiting. I like the instant answer, the immediate reply, and the quick response. I have grown accustomed to the speed of th...

When the Lord says "No"

“That is enough,” the Lord said. “Do not speak to me anymore about this matter. Go up to the top of Pisgah and look west and north and south and east. Look at the land with your own eyes, since you are not going to cross this Jordan. But commission Joshu and encourage and strengthen him, for he will lead this people across and will cause them to inherit the land that you will see.” -God (Deuteronomy 3:26-28). When I was young, I was taught that God answers in three ways, “Yes”, “No”, and “Wait.” As I grew with Jesus, I found that I love the answer “Yes.” I can cope with the answer of “Wait”. However, when God says “No”, it’s not always a pretty sight. So when I read this about how God said “no” to Moses, I had to start paying attention. Previously Moses requested to cross the Jordan and lead the Israelites to the Promised Land, but God says “No”. I can’t even imagine how Moses must feel at this moment. Granted he was talking to God, and experienced a touch of Him first hand, but t...