Waiting... Trusting...Hopeing

“Yet those who wait upon the Lord will gain new strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles. They will run and not get tired, they will walk and not grow faint.” Isaiah 40:31

This verse has been with me all my life, but I haven’t really put total effort in to pondering about this verse till some one pointed it out to me today. It is a verse that is so true, but it’s meaning can be lost in so many ways. Here it ask that we need to wait upon the Lord. Which also could mean, those who hope, those who trust, those who eagerly await, those who earnestly trust. The concept of total trust, total reliance, total dependence on God and God alone. The trust in the Lord is totally dependent upon this, it’s me trusting him completely. Total trust.

So in reality how much do I really trust the Lord. Often I have the Lord’s Plan, then the back up plan. But if you truly trust in the Lord, there is no back up plan. There is only one plan, His. Though he says it will be a perfect plan and that it will lead to a life of fulfillment, it’s still a crazy concept. A life of total trust, total dependence upon Him. It’s not easy also. Often I do this only when I am in a desperate situation, like the time I was out of funds for a week, the time where I had no job, or the times I have been sick praying to God for healing. The challenge now is to have that same trust in HIm when times a going well. Keeping a heart of total openness and total dependence is not going to be an easy task. But I know I must keep my heart fully focused upon Him, and trust Him every step of the way.

Thank you Lord for helping me understand this concept. Now Lord help me to live it. I trust in You.


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