The clean and then the call...

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ‘Here I am. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

This chapter in Isaiah is one of the most interesting things I have read in a long time. Here Isaiah witnesses the awesomeness of God and like what most people do, the are just awed by it. I mean God is so awesome. Then what happens God comes down and cleans his lips. Instant clean. Then what I like the most is how Isaiah responds. God asks the question, “Whom shall I send.” Isaiah says, “ME!!!!!”

Okay not that I am Isaiah, but I do know that when your eyes are opened. Then there is an amazing thing that happens. You become aware of the awesomeness of God. Then you (well I) will be motivated to be following God with such vigor that you when God asks to do something, the answer is immediately YES! But the road isn’t easy, God asks Isaiah to do something that didn’t really quite make total sense. But Isaiah did it regardless. He stayed through it and then obeyed. But that is the power of change. When God comes down and touches you. The answer is always, YES.

Lord, I am totally touched. I know you came down and called, now Lord I pray that You give me strength to stay on the path, for the road is not easy. But Your burden is light.


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