Choose God

“But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge; I will tell all of your deeds.” Psalm 73:28

Who ever this guy is that wrote this Psalm has great knowledge and a great conviction towards God. Here he states how he sees the wicked prosper and how sometimes he asks, “Why?” Then he finds out that God is just and he brings down the wicked and that those who follow the Lord and obey his commands will stand. The awesome thing is that he chooses to be near God. He chooses to be close to God. Rather than wait go with the flow like everyone else. This writer chooses to be near God. He chooses to have faith in God. You must choose.

This verse so applies to me. I know that sometimes I do not choose God. Sometimes see my friends and how successful the are finacially, and I wonder. I wonder, how come I serve God but are not blessed financially, but my friends who could care less, are successful. My dentist friend, my distributer friend, my doctor friend, my lawyer friend. They all have wonderful careers or wonderful families and what do I have? Kind of pretty boring life. But what I need to know is that I must choose God. And that choice is the best choice ever. Why? Because, I have a friend that will never leave me, I have a father who loves me, I have a savior who will never let me down. It’s truly really great what I have. So for me I choose God, because really, without Him life is meaningless.

Lord thank you for letting me see this awesome verse to remind me of your awesome love for me.


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