When you go all in...

Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put everything- all she had to live on.” Mark 12:43-44

Jesus here takes his time to point out to his disciples that on what the sacrifice this widow was making. Normally, tithing was the norm and others gave, while others gave a lot more. Everyone saw rich people and normal people putting money into the pot, but here Jesus takes his time to point out that this woman here gave it all. She went all in. Much like how Caleb and Joshua came back to report to the Israelites about the promise land that, it was conquerable, and with they had no fear of what was to come. They had total trust in the Lord that He would fulfill his promise. Here is are two examples of what it means to go all in.

Often times in my life I get caught up in my emotions. I think of times where I said things like, “YES Lord!” or “I will do anything for You.” or “God I live for You and You alone.” But really, when you look at my actions, it is poor example of what my words say. What is required of me to have be all in? It takes total trust, total obedience, and total surrender. Really in my life and maybe others, we have this commitment to God, and He does take where we are at, but how often do we have total trust, total obedience, total surrender. As I examine every aspect of my life, there are areas where I am “all in”. But really if you are not all in in some areas, you are really not all in are you. Being in Christ is a growing process, but I would think at this stage of my Christian walk I would have this down. But I don’t. Its so simple but really it is so hard.

Lord total obedience, total trust, and total surrender is what you ask, forgive me for not being that, and guide me to becoming a Christian who is all in.


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