Being Serious..
“So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature.” Galatians 5:16
Living in the Spirit that is what Paul has asked the believers here go do. He outlines that by living in the Spirit you will not gratify your sinful nature. You will not focus in upon the things that are not good for you. By living in the Spirit you will do things that will gratify God. So the question is, why do we not live this type of life. Obviously this will always be a problem, the Galatians had this problem, and it does not look like we are any different. But to live in the Spirit, to really be focused in upon the Lord you can live free and your actions will be glorified to God. How do you get to this point? Love God, draw to Him, and grow closer to Him.
So now poses the question. How much do I live by the Spirit. Really if I am truly honest with myself. Not much. I can only pray that God will guide me and direct me more. This is what I truly desire to live in closeness with God that I am living in the Spirit. I know there are peaks and valleys but truly my desire is to grow close with Him.
Lord thank you for a week that is full of surprises, but most of all it was blessed because I got to seek You more and see the true understanding of growing close to You.