Making God Happy

How can you believe if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God? -Jesus (John 5:44).

What was most important to Jesus? Is to make sure you are getting praise from God. In Jesus’ life there was only one opinion that mattered. He did not care if his disciples approved of him or if the religious leadership accepted him, his main concern was to ensure that God was pleased with him. There was nothing that Jesus put before himself but God. God was first thought not the after thought.

Today is a good reminder that everything that I do must be focused solely upon God. I must strive for His approval. If we do not strive for His approval first then our lives will be in utter turmoil. Like the religious leaders who Jesus was addressing, they did not seek the approval of God first. They loved to be in the religious spotlight and their number one goal was to get approval of others. There are a number of times where the one thing I seek is to make everyone happy. I seek to the approval of others. I seek to be accepted. But that isn’t right. I must seek God’s approval first. I must seek Him first, and put nothing in front of me to gain His approval.

Lord I am sorry for not putting you first sometimes. Keep this verse in my heart so I can bring you glory first.


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