The Example

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you should also wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you” -Jesus (John 13:13-14)

Washing people’s feet back then must have been pretty gross. It’s not like today where we have shoes and socks, outside of the smell; it’s not all that dirty. Back then people’s feet must have been caked with dust, dirt, and sweat. Washing the feet was an ultimate sign of servant like attitude. Peter even refused to get his feet washed because of the posture it took. It took a servant to do the dirty work. But Jesus set the example that we are to serve others with humility and be willing to serve those who are below us.

To do this is hard, because we humans are incredibly selfish. I say this as a Christian, thus it proves that I am far from perfect. I must take Jesus’ words and apply it to my heart. But it goes against the grain. It goes against my nature. But that is what God has called us to, a higher calling, a call to live life like He did, a life that is different then the norm. He gave the example now I got to strive to follow.

Lord help me continue to learn and strive by your example.


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