God Moments: Day 2 and 3: The bookstore rendezvous.

Okay, after one day I already renamed it, but God Moments seemed more appropriate then saying “miracle”. But God moments can come in the form of a miracle, a lesson, or things situations. Jesus can show up at anytime to teach. Anyhow, I hope you get the point. Moving on...

As I recount the lessons in the next few days I am constantly reminded how God stitches together the lives of others all around you. I was bored at one point, I had just finished work and I really did not want to go home to watch a video, or read a book, or even exercise. I wanted to go out and have some fun. One problem, no one I knew shared my desire to go out. But on an whim, or maybe a push from God, I was moved to go to the bookstore. Ah, yes the safe book store where you can read books. I know I said I didn’t want to read, but if I am going to read at least there are people there and you never know who you might bump into. Low and behold, I did. As soon as I got out of my car, as I was making my way to the bookstore, I heard my name. Sure enough, I ran into friends that I haven’t seen in a while. After chatting for a few minutes, they invited me to go do what they were doing, so I said, YES. This sparked a series of events that lead me to know that God was in all of this. From what was shaping up to be an uneventful weekend bursted in to a awesome active weekend that had moments of spark, times that were enjoyable, and it even re-sparked my desire to exercise (note... sometimes being called fat is good). I was able to hang with some friends that I haven’t seen in a while.

God moments and desires can come in the most unlikeliest places. So you never know what God has in store, if you go out there and take a risk. Give God a chance, and listen to His voice.


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