Saying NO
Luke 4:42-43
At daybreak Jesus went to a solitary place. The people where looking for him and when they came to where he was, they tried to keep him from leaving them. But he said, “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.”
There was a sense of purpose here. Jesus had a purpose on why he was there and what he was doing. The work was great in the town he was in, but there was a higher purpose and a calling that his Father sent him for. There is nothing like knowing what exactly that is then your life is as clear as a bright sunny day here in Hawaii. Clarity is nice. Having a sense of direction and purpose provides something that some call Meaningful Work. Clear purpose and direction, allows you to say Yes to what is critical but more importantly, it gives you the right to say NO. Jesus here said NO. He passed on what appeared to be a golden opportunity to help others. But, what we now see is that though he would have been great here, it would have stopped him from gaining greater things later.
I wonder how many times in my life I sold myself short because I did the not so great things. I wonder how many times I may have said Yes to the wrong thing, and No to the right things in my life. I can only speculate what those would be. Had I known what the right direction and purpose in my life at the time. I would have been able to say Yes to the right thing and No to the wrong thing. Without the guidance of God, and not knowing the bigger picture, there has been times where I probably made the wrong decision. However, now I pray God give me the purpose that I so crave.
Lord I want to say no to the right things. Help me see those things to say no to.