A Helper

Genesis 2:18

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

I like here how God had made a decision that Adam needed a helper for life. However, God states that it's just not that anyone should be a helper but someone who is a "suitable" helper. Someone who is very much in the same tune of life that you are in. Someone who is a good fit. Maybe not a perfect fit, but a fit nonetheless. That's the beauty of a helper. Someone who is a good fit and together you accomplish the works that God has prepared for you. But in order to do that. It seems like we need to be "in the Garden". We need to be connected to God. We need to be in His will. We need to be fully engaged to the love of God and be in obedience to Him. Only then will we be able to be allowed to see His will.

When I look for potential partners in life, I used to have a list and stick to it. However from this lesson, it seems that God already has a plan for a spouse in life. Though it may not be exactly what I think I want, but it will be someone who is suited to my life. Which is great, but the catch is that I must be in the complete will of God. I must be following Jesus whole heartedly. I must be living to the fullest potential I need to be in. Then God will bring along side the helper. The lesson is that if I live to where God wants me at, things will happen and God will provide.

Lord, thank you for this wonderful lesson on what it means to have a helper in life.


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