Works, Faith, and Heart

“As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.” -James 2:26

The old issue of faith and works. It sounds easy thing but I it has been an issue with every person in the church for centuries. Every denomination was practically created because of certain works that a Christian can and cannot do. James here talks about this subject and says that faith and works go hand in hand. You cannot have one without the other. In fact James provides evidence through the lives of Abraham and Rahab. They both showed that their works were a reflection of their faith. That is what James here is talking about. Your works is a reflection of your faith and your faith is shown through your works. James here addresses that we should not get caught up in faith and works that and to focus in upon the fact that we need both. What also can be seen is the real center of the matter that the heart of the person and their relationship with God that is reflected through your faith and works. The bigger question that James is getting at is, what is our heart towards God?

Sometimes I forget the importance of my works and how it reflects the way I feel. Recently at a dinner with my girlfriend, I was able to order this awesome rack of lamb dish that I love. When it came, I just charged it with a fork in one hand and knife in the other. It tasted so good that I was consumed by it. Bite after bite was a great sensation of taste exploding. However, as I was eating it I didn’t ask to share it with my girlfriend, but at the time it didn’t bother me. After I finished my awesome dinner, I wanted a sample of her pasta. But she refused and said that I didn’t offer any of my lamb to her. I was a bit thrown off. I would have given if she asked, but that wasn’t the point. I forgot to think of her. My works did not reflect my feelings and heart towards her. It also peered into my heart that, I'm not proud to admit, am somewhat selfish when it comes to food. Now this is a small matter, but it makes me really ponder my faith and deeds through out my life. Are my actions a reflection of my hearts towards God? In many ways I need to draw closer to God so that my actions are a true reflection of my deep love for Jesus.

Lord thank you for this lesson. Actions speak louder than words, may my actions speak big for you.


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