Grace leads to Action

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send me!” -Isaiah 6:8

A classic part of the scripture where Isaiah responds to the call of the Lord. Prior to this the Lord allowed Isaiah the ability to see this amazing vision and was able to be in the presence of the Lord. Through that process Isaiah realized that he is completely unworthy to be in the presence of God. After the Lord made him clean, with grace and thankfulness, Isaiah immediately stepped forward in to ministry.

When I read this I am overwhelmed by the amazing grace of God but also the renewed heart that Isaiah had for ministry. This just proves that when you have a brush with God it changes you. Reading this account of Isaiah’s life gives me the strength for a renewal of my own ministry. Sometimes I forget how much love God has for us. Often time it is taken for granted. Then when I am about in my everyday life, I tend to lean away from doing the things God has asked for me to do. Isaiah’s life just gives a boost to my heart, a lift in my spirit to endure the hardships, play through the pain, and begin to live for God again. I want that heart again, here I am Lord, send me!

Lord thank you for the boost. Send me.


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