Go Hard or Go Home

“So Elisha left him and went back. He took his yoke of oxen and slaughtered them. He burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people, and they ate. Then he set out to follow Elijah and became his attendant.” 1 Kings 19:21

Freshly anointed by Elijah, Elisha waste no time in moving on to the next step of his life. One day he’s a farmer the next day he is a prophet. Just like that he leaves everything and follows what the Lord ask him to do. Not only does he leave everything, he burns everything up and walks away from it all. Not only does it show the dedication and heart that Elisha had for God, but it also shows that when you have that strong of a calling on your life, you will give it all up for Him and follow.

God does call, but do I listen. Here Elisha shows me that you either need to go hard or go home. Either fully embrace the call on your life or not. God loves it when we walk in complete obedience. The issue with me and I am sure it is with many others, is that if we like the call, then we go hard, but if we don’t like the call or the assignment, we go home. But the thing with God is that it does not matter if I like it or not. Would I be ready to burn it all and live in complete obedience? I should hope so. I pray that I have this kind of commitment like Elisha, and I am ready to give it all up and Go Hard for Him.

Lord I like this reminder, but really let it sink into my heart.


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