When God ask you to do something crazy...

When the Lord first spoke through Hosea, the Lord said to Hosea, “Go, take to yourself a wife of whoredom and have children of whoredom, for the land commits great whoredom by forsaking the Lord.” So he went and took Gomer, the daughter of Dibaim, and she conceived and bore him a son. -Hosea 1:2-3

Now this is kind of a crazy assignment. It’s not like he says go and build a church, or go preach to the people, or fast for the nation. No, God told him to go take a WHORE for a wife. It doesn’t even sound Biblical. But that is what you see, God giving a very different task. Hosea’s first assignment, marry a whore. God asked Hosea to do something crazy. But what you see here is that Hosea, he DOES IT!. Without question, he just does it, he is very obedient to God. Though it’s sort of a strange situation, I am encouraged by Hosea’s obedience.

Now, I don’t know about you, if one of the first big assignments God gives me is to go out and marry a whore, not sure how I would take that. Imagine that? I’m trying to put myself in Hosea’s situation and the more I think of it, this is a crazy assignment. But our God does things that we can perceive as crazy but to God it makes total sense. What I can learn from Hosea is that to be obedient to God. Obedience to Him is what He desires the most. Total trust in God. When we have obedience, he is capable to use us in ways that seem strange to the world, but it will fulfill his plan. For me, I would love to do some crazy things for God, but do I have the obedience it takes to allow Him to use me. I struggle with the wanting to do the me thing, or the thing that my friends are doing which hinders me from doing the crazy God thing, because it is a me thing. But God is in the business of doing radical things for His glory. If I want to be part of it, I must have that radical obedience. Do do this I know it starts small, doing the small things and being obedient to that. So I must daily remind myself to be obedient in the small things, so He can use me to do the radical things. Hosea’s obedience is one to marveled at. I pray one day I can have that kind of obedience.

Oh Lord help me follow the example of obedience by Hosea. May my trust in you grow more and more each day.


Tabitha Ball said…
Love this writing!!

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