Reaching the others through your stuff

“I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with very much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with very much.” Luke 16:8-9

Normally when I hear this verse it is a combination of what God wants for us and how we need to be a better steward of our money. While yes, that is true, it seems here that this verse implies that we use money and our wealth to get others to come to the Lord. Weird but I see how it is true. Jesus here seems to be implying that we need to have an openness about things that we need to use whatever resources we have to reach the Kingdom. God has trusted us with a certain status of wealth, or skill or whatever, but we need to use that to reach others and touch lives.

This is a little tough for me. I have to understand that whatever I do, whatever I get, or however it comes by that I need to promote the Kingdom through my stuff. And that means anything. I have to use the given resources that I have to promote everything to God. I have to use the things that was given to me to bring glory to the Kingdom. Often I forget that I need to do this and I get consumed with either making more money, or building storehouses, or whatever. But it’s not about that. I want to participate in a plan that brings glory to God. Starting now.

Lord let it begin in me, let the fire rise within me to use all that I have to glorify you.


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