Persistence through prayer.

“Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” Luke 18:1

From here on out Jesus talks about an unjust judge, who grants justice to a woman who hounds him constantly. Imagine that, bothering someone into getting what you want. It’s not unheard of, you see it with everything in life that if you stay persistent then something will happen. And at the end she got what she was asking for. The lesson Jesus gives is to be in steady persistence in prayer. It seems as if God desires that your prayer be hardcore and constant. And that you don’t give up. You keep on, you press on, till you get the answer.

So what does that mean for me? In reality there are many things that I want to pray for and there are many things that I feel as if needs to be done. But how really how are my prayers? I usually pray for something then I forget, and then I move on. I need to really be persistent in my prayers and I need to really dig deep and pray hard and really ask God. Often I just pray and then I just forget. I move on, I use prayer as like a quick email to God and then I move off into something else. That’s is not what he is asking for here. Here he is asking that we pray hard, we pray more, and we are most of all consistent in our prayers. Then he will answer and then he will show, and then He will open the gates and grant us the answer we need.

Lord, forgive me for not being constantly persistence in prayer. Lord allow me to begin my journey into persistent prayer with you.


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