
“Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Saviour and my God.” Psalms 42:11

As of recently I have been really distressed over a situation. And what do you know the Lord comes through again. So here David is down and out. It appears as if he it a wall, come to the edge of his rope and seems he just wants to give up. But here is where God saves him. He builds up enough strength and says, “Put your hope in God.”

So now I stand here distressed over a situation. I stand here one year later still fretting about the past. Still holding out. But what does the bible say to do? Give up? No way. God wants us to put our hope in Him. Sound easy but really it isn’t. It is one of the hardest things to do. Not that I am a worry wart, but I do worry. I also grow impatient when I feel that God needs to move faster. But here he states to put my hope in Him. To put my future, my goals, my hopes and dreams, in to His hands. Easy? I’m human, frail and desperately needing the assurance that things will be alright. But that’s not how God works does He? He picks me apart and ask me to trust in Him, hope in Him, and follow with unbelievable passion. The road to His way is tough, long and narrow. But He promises in the end it will be better.

Lord, though my soul is disturbed, You are in charge and You know what is good. I ask for your grace.


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