Building Faith

Romans 4:19

No unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith and he gave glory to god, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.

Here Paul talks about Abraham and his faith. He talks about how strong faith directs and guides your life. It gives you confidence and strength during times of trouble and doubt. Not only that, it gives assurance and security in life. Yet, faith is tough, it’s not easy to believe in something that is not seen and act as if it is real. Not knowing if it will happen sometimes known as suspense is what we don’t like. We like knowing. But like the popular quote says, “The opposite of faith is certainty”. We love certainty, we love knowing, we love having it written down on paper signed and sealed. Yet that is exactly what faith is not. Not knowing what will happen or if it will ever happen in your life time but trusting that it will happen. That is the nature of faith. It’s not easy. It is not ever going to be easy. But faith is what is required of us and faith is what carries us from day to day, one step to the next.

Sometimes I doubt, and when I read this passage, I wish it was easier. But would that be faith? It’s like this computer I have. I cannot tell you how many times it randomly shuts down, for no apparent reason too. It makes me so irritated and there is nothing I can do to fix it. Well, that’s not true. I can fix it, but it’s not worth it. Cost to fix is about the price of a new one. So everyday I just pray it works. But the hope is to get this replaced. But now it is faith in God that makes work like this. He knows I can’t afford it right now, He knows I need to work. So it is faith in Him that He will provide. It’s faith that He knows all my needs and I don’t have to worry about them. Notice, I said needs, not wants. God does provide, guide, and bless, but all to His will. Now this is such a stupid small first world problem that I have, I can’t even fathom the greater needs there are out there in the world. But the concept of believing in Him to do what He said He will do is all the same. Faith in God is something that is not easy, it grows and builds as we begin to lean upon Him more.

Lord I know faith is tough. Like Abraham and Paul, help all of us to strive to the faith that You desire.


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