Exceeding Expectations

Acts 3:6-7
The Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.” Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up, and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong.

I like how this goes. God will provide, he does provide, he brings forth provision. However it maybe in a way that we don’t want to be. Here the situation was that the beggar was asking for money. He was asking for something to take care of his needs at that moment. He was asking for his needs to be met the only way he knew it was possible. But God had other plans, He comes through the best way. Instead of being able to fed or be taken care of from money, God answers the heart of the problem. He heals him. And that’s God. Go to the root of the issue and deal with it. He deals with it here and he takes care of the issue. Now the beggar has a new life, a new beginning, and a new start.

We all ask God for things. We all ask God to guide us in the direction we need to go, we ask for his provision, we ask for his blessing, we ask for all this and more. Which isn’t bad, however maybe our problem is maybe we expect different answers or different results when we get what happens is that God gives us what we need. I am sure the beggar here would have been thrilled for just a couple of dollars. But instead of a couple of dollars he gets to walk again. God is amazing. He does crazy things like that to keep us from forgetting that He is God. He is the one that bring salvation, brings life, and brings ultimately His will into play. Often times we forget, when we ask for things, to ask what God wants. We know by promise He won’t give us things that will hurt us (Lk 11:11-13). So whatever He gives us will be for our good. It will be for our benefit as well as His. In our lives we must expect God to provide, but if he answers us in ways we don’t expect, we know that it is so much better. Remember God hits the root of our needs, not the patch we think we need.

Lord in my life, I know I ask for things to patch, but you or Lord provide for what it best for me. Lord I ask, provide, your way.


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