Against All Hope...

“Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations just as it had been said to him, ‘so shall your offspring be’” Romans 4:18

Wow, what faith.This is what it means to live by faith. To firmly believe in the promises of God and know that it will come to pass. I can now say that God’s promises will be fulfilled. I can now embrace that God’s work shall be completed in me. I trust that God will finish what He started. If He says it, it will be. Against all hope God is working. But there is a part two, Abraham in hope believed. We must have faith in God. Be confident in God through the thick and thin.

There are many things in my life where I fail to realize that God’s will come through. There are promises that are yet unfulfilled that I now know that I can trust in now. I am now confident that God can and will bring me out of the this season better and stronger. God is orchestrating, God is putting the pieces together, God is bring the plan for His purpose, and the promises He has for me will not be moved. But it may be long, it may take a while, and even to the point where all hope is lost, but God will come through. God is faithful. I have to believe in that. I have to put my faith in that. And not just say it, but really really believe it. Often as a human I say my faith is in God, but if you see how I act, I am trying to put it together myself. “Faith like a child” is what he wants me to have. But what is that? Absolute trust that He will not let me down. Trust in God in the most childlike way. When He says it, believe.

Lord in your Word, Job said, “I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.” Lord your plans and promises will come to pass. thank you for being a faithful God.


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